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Auto insurance in West Virginia

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Most common West Virginia auto insurance coverages:

  • Bodily Injury

Pays for another person’s injuries and expenses when you are at fault in an auto accident.

  • Comprehensive Coverage

Pays to repair or replace your vehicle when it is damaged by a non-collision event such as theft, vandalism, natural disasters, or fire.

  • Personal Injury Protection

Pays for medical expenses and lost wages if you, your passengers, and/or pedestrians get injured in an auto accident regardless of who’s at fault.

  • Medical Payments

Pays for medical expenses for you and everyone in your vehicle at the time of a collision regardless of who's at fault.

  • Collision

Pays to repair or replace your vehicle if it is damaged in an accident, regardless of who is at fault.

  • Property Damage

Pays to repair or replace another person’s vehicle or property that is damaged when you are at fault in an accident.

  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist

Pays your out-of-pocket expenses for vehicle repairs, medical bills, and lost wages if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.

West Virginia Auto Insurance Guide

State of West Virginia auto insurance requirements:
West Virginia has multiple laws and regulations concerning auto insurance coverage requirements for vehicles operating within the state. The vehicle’s age, manufacturer, commuting distance, and the owner’s driving record will have the biggest role in determining insurance requirements for you. Workers Compensations Insurance and General Liability Insurance are the most common coverages in West Virginia. Several factors will mandate Workers Compensation Insurance in West Virginia. A licensed insurance advisor will be able to determine if your business falls within any of these requirements and if any exemptions are applicable.
How can I get auto insurance discounts in West Virginia?
You can typically get auto insurance discounts in West Virginia through safe driver discounts and by bundling your home and auto insurance policies together. If you have a clean driving record, ask your insurance advisor if you qualify for any safe driver discounts. Auto insurance discounts in West Virginia are sometimes given to older drivers too. Age is another factor that can affect premium amounts. As a general rule, teens and newer drivers can expect to pay more for auto insurance in West Virginia. Drivers 16-25 years old pay the highest premiums on average.
How can I get auto insurance discounts in West Virginia?
The cost of auto insurance in West Virginia can vary widely based on several factors. The vehicle’s age, commuting distance, coverage amounts, and the location where it is parked overnight all affect monthly premiums in West Virginia. For example, the cost of comprehensive coverage for a brand new luxury SUV in Charleston will be very different than basic liability coverage for an older sedan in Morgantown. Other considerations such as the vehicle owner’s age, driving record, accident history, and claims history also help determine the cost of auto insurance in West Virginia. A licensed insurance advisor will be able to identify auto insurance discounts in West Virginia that you may qualify for, along with discounts for bundling property insurance and auto insurance in West Virginia.
Cheap auto insurance for good drivers in West Virginia
Safe drivers in West Virginia with a clean driving record have a good reason to smile. Good drivers in West Virginia pay less than drivers with accidents and violations on their records. A driving record is one of the biggest factors in determining premium amounts. At-fault accidents, moving violations, and DUIs on your record will result in higher premiums. Age is another consideration in premium amounts. Drivers in West Virginia between 16-25 pay the highest insurance premiums on the road in the U.S. Teen drivers and inexperienced drivers have the highest risk of accident, therefore they are more expensive to insure.

Still need help with auto insurance in West Virginia?

Licensed advisors are standing by.

View your auto insurance quotes online, then connect with an advisor over the phone. Get started on a quote today, and we’ll pair you with a licensed advisor to discuss your auto coverage.

Call us for a free quote:

(866) 278-7881

(866) 278-7881

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