If you're a car owner, you know just how important it is to have auto insurance to protect yourself and your finances in the case of an accident. Unfortunately, thousands of cars get stolen every year and even with insurance coverage, some drivers never get their car back. Certain cars are stolen at a higher rate than others, but all drivers should be aware of how they can reduce their chances of getting their car stolen.
Here are the most commonly stolen cars in 2012 according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau:
Car caution
While some cars may be more at risk due to their type and model, there are a few things all drivers can do to deter thieves and limit their risk of getting their vehicle stolen. Of course, the first thing all drivers should know is not to leave their vehicle unattended while it is running. This makes it easy for someone to drive off with it. When parking, drivers should be sure to leave their vehicle in a well-lit area. Dark spots make it easier for a car thief to hide from onlookers, but bright lights may keep them from trying to break into your vehicle.
Whenever drivers leave their cars while they are parked, they need to lock all doors and ensure the windows are closed. If windows are open - even a little bit - it is much easier for a thief to gain access to the inside of a car. One of the best theft prevention tools is an alarm system or a starter interrupt switch, which will switch off the ignition to disable the vehicle and prevent a thief from stealing the car.
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