As much as it seems like a mythical frontier to conquer, the quest to finding affordable car insurance can be easily achieved. Having the proper tools on your side, such as an insurance portal that can bring you the most competitive, better-than-average auto insurance rates, is a great start. But what you need even more than that cannot be found on the Internet. What you need is the determination and patience to not roll through stop signs, change lanes without signaling, drive slightly erratic when you’re in a hurry or turn left into the right lane.
The most important bargaining chip you have when it comes to insurance is your driving record, in addition to a few other things listed below.
Keep your record clean
Simply watching your speed and paying closer attention to the rules of the road has a major impact on the average auto insurance rates you’ll face in your lifetime. “Keeping your nose clean” so to speak is the number one factor in achieving a lower premium. Moving violations are expensive! When ticketed, check with your state DMV to determine if you’re eligible for traffic school. While you still have to pay a fine, affordable and easy online courses can erase a moving violation from your record. A flawed record, however, can only be cleared with time.
What do you drive?
It may sound like a weak attempt at conversation heard at a singles bar across the nation, but the answer matters when determining the average auto insurance rates providers will quote you. It’s logical to consider that a lower risk vehicle such as a hybrid wagon is going to yield a much lower premium than the latest sports car. Prior to buying a new or used vehicle, check the average auto insurance rates for the vehicles you are interested in. Premiums are based in part on the car’s price; average costs of parts and repairs; its overall safety record; and the likelihood of theft. Budget-conscious drivers should consider any and all safety features as they lower damage risks to a vehicle, and in turn, your premium.
Play with your policy
Knowing what your actual auto insurance needs are can really pay off. Changing your deductible is the easiest way to affect your premium. By increasing your deductible from $200 to $500, you will see an immediate reduction in collision and comprehensive coverage premiums to the tune of 15 percent to 30 percent. This method does have its drawbacks though, so determine ahead of time what best suits your lifestyle. If you have some money set aside, you can opt for a higher deductible while still having money to repair your vehicle if something unfortunate were to happen.
A little bit of homework, comparison shopping, and driving like a model citizen are viable ways to easily relieve yourself of a bloated car insurance premium. Take care of things on your end and then use CoverHound to find the most competitive rates from all the top providers today!
Insurance shopping simplified
Insurance shopping simplified