Car insurance coverage is something that every auto driving individual needs. But just as driving laws vary by state, so do the costs of the insurance carrier packages. Because car insurance rates are not controlled, the monthly premium you pay largely depends on various factors of the county you live in.
According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) the national average car insurance rate is just above $900 annually. If you live in Arizona, you’ll come pretty close to paying that national average on your own insurance policy. The average expenditure for Arizona as of 2013 was $811.45, but that’s just Arizona as a whole, but what if you live in a highly-populated area like Phoenix? Doesn’t it cost more to insure your vehicle if you live in a metropolitan area?
Arizona: The Law of the Land
As a state, Arizona requires drivers prove their financial responsibility for property or bodily damages sustained in an accident. This means you must show that you can pay for reparations incurred in an accident. To prove financial responsibility, Arizona motorists must have proof of liability insurance, or Self-Funded Insurance.
If you choose to carry liability insurance, the state requires that your coverage is 15/30/10. Broken down, this means: bodily coverage is $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident – with another $10,000 allocated to property damage.
If you choose Self-Funded Insurance, you are required to present a certificate of deposit of $40,000 assigned to the Office of the Arizona State Treasurer. The certificate is a document of proof confirming that you have the financial stability to pay for property or bodily damages in the direct result of an accident.
It Pays to Carry
Of course, while people on the road passed their driver’s test and carry a license, not all motorists possess the same driving skill. Lack of experience, distracted driving, poor weather and other unknowns all contribute to accidents. So while Arizona requires that you carry liability or self-funded insurance, think about how that covers you. Car insurance coverage is there to protect you when you need it.
Still not sure? Take a look at the numbers. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, in 2014 there were a total of 109,554 accidents in Arizona, with 89,352 of those accidents occurring in urban areas. If you live in a city like Scottsdale or Phoenix, chances are you do most of your commuting by car. In 2014, Phoenix had a total of 35,802 accidents with 11,596 resulting in bodily injury. Medical costs add up quickly. If you caused the accident and the person injured is stuck in the hospital, you have to foot the bill.
The cool thing about living in Phoenix? It’s one of the cheapest cities to get car insurance coverage. Forbes Magazine found that Phoenix comes in at 10 percent below the national average! This means you can afford to get that extra policy like collision coverage or comprehensive coverage and remain around the national cost for premiums. Remember, when you invest in insurance, you also invest in your financial future.
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