For those who are not savvy to the world of automobiles, it's easy to believe everything you read about cars. Even though there are plenty of helpful resources out there, be careful of the information you follow. If you fall victim to one of these myths, you could be spending more than you really need to. With car payments, gas and maintenance being so expensive, you should save as much as you can and only shell out when it's necessary. Here are few car-care myths you should watch out for:
Myth: Change your car's oil every 3,000 miles
While your mechanic probably advises, it is not true for every automobile. Instead of pulling into the nearest garage once your speedometer hits 3,000, look in the owner's manual and see what the recommended interval is for your car. Some automobiles may require a change more or less frequently than the old 3,000-mile standby. Although you don't need to change your oil exactly at the recommended mileage, you cannot wait too long between maintenance services. Old oil can be harmful to your engine and cause it to break down.
Myth: Fill the tires up to the pressure on the tire's sidewall
Flat tires can really deflate your afternoon ride, so make sure you are keeping these bad boys properly pressurized. On the side of each tire, you should find a pounds-per-square-inch number showing the maximum air the tires can hold. This number is not the recommended amount, just the maximum limit the tires can safely hold. Check the side of your door or glove box to see what the automakers recommended tire pressure is.
Myth: When brake fluid is getting low, filling it up all the way will fix it
When your brake pads begin to break down, your brake fluid will start to drop. The fluid is intended to help you gauge the current condition of your brakes, but simply refilling it when it gets low will not solve your problems. Depleted brake fluid may mean that the pads are worn or there is a leak in your engine. If you notice this, you should visit a mechanic to check if there are any problems.
Taking better care of your car will help you avoid these situations, but you should get auto insurance to help you pay for repairs if you get into an accident.
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