It is never too early to start planning for back-to-school shopping. And if you're enrolling in college for the first time, you may be in the market for a dependable vehicle. Your budget will be tight while in college, so you should look for an automobile that is affordable, gets good gas mileage and has top-rated safety features so you don't have to spend a fortune on auto insurance. Kelley Blue Book compiled a list of some of the best back-to-school vehicles:
2014 Fiat 500L
With a 9.9 consumer rating with Kelley Blue Book, the Fiat is one of the most practical cars on this list. The 160-horsepower engine can help cut down the amount of time it takes to get to class and this 5-passenger car can also be great for a road trip.
2013 Subaru Impreza
The Impreza boasts a plethora of features that can be useful for college students, such as Bluetooth and iPod controls. Plus, top safety ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety can give you peace of mind.
2013 Toyota Prius C
Gas will be one of the most expensive parts of owning your car, so you should get a vehicle that gets great mileage. The Prius can get up to 53 miles to the gallon, so you can go farther between stops at the pump.
2013 Kia Sportage
If you decide to go home every weekend, you can easily pack up all your belongings in the Sportage. This Kia offers the versatility of an SUV and a 176-horsepower engine that can make your trips go by in a flash.
2014 Chevrolet Sonic
The Sonic is one of the safest vehicles on this list, as it comes with 10 airbags to protect you in case of an accident.
2014 Ford Focus
You have plenty of options with the Focus, as it can come in sedan or hatchback configurations. And it's Euro-flavored suspension tuning will make your ride a smooth one.
2014 Nissan Versa Note
Starting under $15,000, this Nissan comes with a 109-horsepower engine and five-door hatchback design that can fit all your friends inside.
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