Auto insurance isn’t just about the rates, but also client satisfaction. Should the unexpected happen, you want to know that you are secure. At CoverHound, our auto insurance quote comparison helps you choose the best policy that fits your driving needs.
Why would we do such a thing you ask? Well, we take pride in providing you with auto insurance options that work for you. Auto insurance isn’t just about rates; it’s about protecting good drivers from bad situations.
Statistics Don’t Lie
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the estimated cost of property damage, injuries,and vehicle related fatalities was 152 billion through the first six months of 2015, a 24 percent increase from 2014. It’s expected that in 2016 we will see an even greater number.
So what’s to blame for the increase in car accidents? With lower gas prices and a stronger economy, the NSC notes more people are driving on the road, traveling between home and the workplace. Not only this, but today’s drivers are distracted by cell phones and their car’s smart technology. The NSC found that one in four auto accidents involved cell phone use. Smart technology usage ranges from reading, writing and sending text messages, to voice calls, sending email and accessing navigational features while on the road.
To help you feel protected if you are involved in a car accident, it’s important to not only have coverage, but adequate coverage. Our auto insurance quote comparison will help you in finding the coverage that is right for you. After all, it’s not just about rates, but about the comfort you have on the way to your destination.
Ramifications of an Auto‐Accident
Regardless of your best efforts to be a good driver, unpredictable things can happen. In a car accident, it isn’t only your vehicle that sustains damage. Individuals that have been involved in car accidents can suffer physical, emotional and psychological trauma from the event. In a car accident, you are involved in a situation built of high stress and potential serious injury. The last thing you need to worry about is the strength of your insurance policy.
Physical harm and trauma are typically what people fear most from a car accident, but it’s not the only damaging thing that could occur. For many drivers, experiencing an auto accident first hand takes a severe emotional toll. According to the American Psychological Association, car accidents are a leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sufferers from PTSD experience hyperarousal, social triggers resulting in flashbacks, nightmares of the event and negative changes in daily living.
To help you cover the costs, it’s vital to have auto insurance that provides you sufficient help in your recovery.
Coverage = Peace of Mind
With the right coverage, your auto insurance package can help with the auto and medical costs after the accident. With our full‐service auto insurance quote comparison and servicing tool, we help you find the right coverage no matter what needs you have. Being involved in an automobile accident is a harrowing experience that no one should have to deal with, but unfortunately, that just isn’t the way the world works. When you are covered, you will have peace of mind on your travels knowing that no matter what happens, your auto insurance company will do everything they can to get you back on the road.
At Coverhound, auto insurance isn’t just about rates – it’s about you. Get the best coverage for your needs by auto insurance quote comparison tool today.
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