When you’re signing up for your auto insurance plan, you want to make sure you are following your state’s insurance guidelines. If you don’t carry the right insurance, you can be fined, jailed, or even have your license revoked. At CoverHound, we work hard to supply our customers with competitive, low rates from a variety of reputable insurance agencies. So if you’re living in the Peach State’s capital and need to get an Atlanta auto insurance policy, we’re here to help.
Laws Governed by the State
According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Georgia is a unique state in that it requires its drivers to carry auto insurance, but does not require them to show an insurance card as proof at traffic stops or in the aftermath of an accident; in fact, auto insurance identification cards are not even accepted as proof of insurance. As an alternative, the Empire State of the South allows government agencies and law enforcement to check the Georgia Electronic Insurance Compliance System (GEICS) to electronically access your auto insurance.
Like other states in the U.S., Georgia does require its motorists to have an auto liability insurance policy. The minimum amount of liability coverage Georgia expects its drivers to carry is as follows:
So the question is, as far as auto insurance coverage goes, how much does it cost to be covered?
The Cost of Safety
On average, over 70 motorists are hurt every hour on Georgia motorways. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety reports that as of 2013, there are 1,179 traffic fatalities with 116,458 motorists suffering from accident-related injuries. Nothing is as valuable as human life, but to prepare for the worst-case scenario, we have to have an insurance plan that will back us up in our hour of need.
In Georgia, the annual premium cost for the minimum amount of auto insurance stood $485.40 as of 2013, as found by the Insurance Information Institute (III). That’s fairly inexpensive, equating to $40.45 a month. If you add collision and comprehensive coverage on top of that, the average expenditure comes to $800.58, or $66.72 a month. This means that even while having the best auto insurance package the industry has to offer you’re still paying less than $100 a month for your protection.
CNN Money suggests that drivers purchase a package that provides at least $100,000 per person in bodily injury liability, and $300,000 in property damage liability. Look back at the minimum Georgia set for auto insurance. The numbers are not at all comparable. It has been found that the average motorist will file a collision claim every three years. This means you could eventually be paying more for premiums as a direct result of claims filing instead of paying less for a better coverage package that doesn’t hike your premium with every filing.
Auto insurance is meant to offer us a shield of monetary protection when we have been involved in accident. At CoverHound, we can help you find an auto insurance policy that meets your expectations. Find the Atlanta auto insurance quote that’s right for you today!
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