You have a natural gift in management. You’re able to look at a problem, dissect it and work with others to find a solution. You started in an entry level position and quickly rose through the ranks. Your passion and work ethic have made all of your promotions possible, but you can move up only so far before you hit the last stand.
It’s in your newest (and last) management position that you realize you can’t climb any higher in the company. If you truly want to be a leader, you’ll need to start your own.
And that’s what you decide to do: you’re going to start your own small business. After creating an SMB action plan, going through the financials and comparing business insurance quotes online, you realize that there’s still one more thing you need to: enroll in business classes. How can you run your own business without a little bit of education? Yes, you have the experience, but getting in a couple of extra business classes doesn’t hurt anything!
Taking Care of Business: One Class at a Time
Being that you’re soon to become a small business owner, it’s important that you’re able to provide for your staff, clients and business as a whole. One such way to provide well for your company is by taking a few business courses.
Though you have experience in the field, you likely don’t have experience in every little, itty-bitty area of the business. What’s your accounting acumen? Have you ever written a blog post? Do you know how to design a website? Do you understand the cultural nuances of your international clients?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, you should most definitely sign up for a class or two.
Inc. Magazine writes that though “it’s often debated whether entrepreneurs need a college education, [there] are a handful of courses that will almost certainly help you run your business better.”
No, you don’t need to earn a four-year degree to be able to run a small business. In fact, 66 percent of SMB owners polled in a 2013 survey believed that “their education system did not encourage individual ideas and dreams, two of the key ingredients in any recipe for entrepreneurship,” according to Forbes.
To be a strong business owner, you need a mixture of experience AND education. Your working experience has taught you how to handle familiar situations, and your education will help you foresee conflict and devise a resolution. And guess what? You don’t have to pay for the courses you take either!
Quickbooks tells entrepreneurs that there are free classes SMB owners can take online that’ll help them run a better business, including classes in:
− Accounting
− Coding
− Computer Science
− Digital Marketing
− Business Planning
− Business Management
− Public Speaking
Having a little bit of background in the above areas will help to prepare you for experiences you may not have under your belt just yet. Look at taking these classes as gaining a little more experience; it can’t hurt!
And remember: along with bettering your management skills, better your business by comparing small business insurance options using CoverHound.
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