College students. They are a culture all their own. And what is the main trait? They buy everything cheap. Cheap, cheap, cheap. Two-for-one sale? Absolutely. Buy-one, get-one half-off? Yes. Switch to us and save $$$? Definitely. The best customer is the least interested.
It's generally understood that a college student’s budget has little room for car insurance and most just want minimum coverage. Television commercials seem to be the number one way to find insurance on campus. Or at least the first way students hear about insurance companies. Every commercial promises better rates and better services, but as a budget-restricted college student, you need to find the one that’s cheapest. Unfortunately, to [compare all the car insurance companies]( seen on television, you would have to go to each company’s site, type in all your information, and then get their quote, which seems unnecessarily time-consuming.
I recently asked a friend how she chose her car insurance. Answer? Television commercials. She went through the process of looking at a few different companies sites that she saw on television and picked the cheaper of those. Though she doesn’t currently have a car, she informed me that if she did, she would switch to another company. Why? Because she recognized the voice-over actor in the commercial.
As a recent grad and someone who just moved states, I have car insurance on the mind. While in college I went with my parents’ carrier. I didn’t look at any other companies. I didn’t even look at the rates from my parents’ company! I thought, “Hey, they use them, so they must be the best!” Now that I’m in a different state, I need to get a different policy. Since I work here at CoverHound, I figured I'd give comparison shopping a shot. And lo and behold, the best rate, with the coverage I want, was not coming from the car insurance company I had in college.
While getting the right car insurance that fits your needs and budget is an admirable thing, especially when it comes to personal finances, relying on commercials is not. Be savvy and get a reliable comparison before making any big decisions. Your wallet will appreciate it.