AKA... leave me alone creepy life insurance agent.
You may not hear it all the time. But I do.
And as good as my intentions are when I say, "When is the last time you reviewed it?" the person I'm talking to ducks and dodges, squirms even.
"I have life insurance. Thank you."
Somehow, we've come to believe that life insurance is a static, fixed object and once you've handled it, you're done. WRONG. Some of this belief is myth, some avoidance behavior. Honestly, more of the latter. Who wants to talk about death and provide "samples." Did someone say needles? Ick.
But here's the deal... products change; you change; your life changes. What worked for you last year may not be working for you this year. And if you don't take a look at it, you'll never know. Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed last year, so let's not hang on to it when it comes to life insurance.
Here are the top 10 reasons why you should take a look at whatcha got:
Our suggestion? Review it annually (no matter what’s going on in your life) with your insurance advisor or an independent broker who can compare your coverage to all the carriers available and give you an unbiased review.
Want to check rates your self? Head on over to [The Insurist](http://theinsurist.com) and pull some quotes. Best part is it's free and you won't have some annoying life insurance guy breathing down your neck (unless you're into that sort of thing of course).
Last but not least, you can always call us. We’ll try not to be too creepy.